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If you are faced with an unexpected bill for your pet for an emergency or large surgery, the task of attempting to get the funds together within a potentially tight time frame can be tough and stressful. As pet owners ourselves, we completely understand that sometimes these bills can be daunting and completely unexpected, but also know that most of those are medical emergencies that need to be treated quickly for the overall health and survival of your pet.It is for this reason that Coaldale Pet Clinic offers a financial option to pet owners in their time of need by discussing ScratchPay payment options and the PetCard Program

ScratchPay is a very simple and easy financing option for any veterinary visit. There are 3 separate plans that pet owners can choose from via online application and takes 90 seconds for approval. Simply checking if you qualify does not affect your credit. Only when you have agreed to the payment plan amounts, terms and conditions are credit checks done by ScratchPay. Once approved, ScratchPay takes care of the immediate bill to the veterinary clinic and you pay them back based on the your chosen plan. In less than 10 minutes, you can breathe easy for financing options with ScratchPay!

After a phone call or faxed in application for financing to PetCard with the estimate the veterinarian has provided, pet owners can receive an answer for their applied amount within minutes! Upon approval, PetCard takes care of the immediate bill to the veterinary clinic and you pay them back based on the terms of your approval with them. It’s that easy! Speak to one of our staff members today, or visit the PetCard Website to see if it’s right for you!